Using the wizard, select EGL from the list on the left, then double click on EGL Program File in the list on the right. 使用向导,从左边的列表中选择EGL,然后双击右边列表中的EGLProgramFile。
Setting the set-uid and set-gid bit on the program file pointed 设置指定程序文件的set-uid和set-gid位
The SWAT binary is called, unsurprisingly, swat, so you can search for that program file to see if SWAT is available on your computer. 毫不奇怪,SWAT二进制文件名为swat,因此您可以搜索该文件,查看您的计算机上是否有SWAT。
Why program a file system? 为什么说程序是一种文件系统呢?
In this example, inetd launches TCP Wrappers ( using a program file name of/ usr/ sbin/ tcpd). 在本例中,inetd启动了TCPWrappers(使用程序文件名/usr/sbin/tcpd)。
This functionality could be useful if you wanted to change a program or configuration file in one directory and see the results in a log file in a different directory. 这个功能在下面这种情况下很有用:您想在一个目录中更改一个程序或配置文件,然后在另一个目录下的日志文件中查看结果。
The name of the program file must match the name of the program part. 程序文件的名称必须和程序部件的名称相匹配。
Select the program or file type you want to export your address book to, and then click the Export button. 选择要将通讯簿信息导出到的程序或文件类型,然后单击导出按钮。
Selecting Other will prompt a dialog box to select the executable or program file of the preferred text editor. 选择其他会提示一个对话框,选择首选的文本编辑器可执行文件或程序文件。
The program path and file name refer to the location of the program on the server. 程序路径和文件名指出程序在服务器上的位置。
Simply paste the URL into a video conversion program and the file will be downloaded to the target folder. 您只需URL粘贴到一个视频转换程序和文件将被下载到目标文件夹。
Brief introduction of the quality manual for terms related to the exclusions and compliance, process description conformity, whether the reference program file. 简要介绍质量手册中对有关条款的删减及其符合性,过程描述的符合性,是否引用程序文件。
They must be placed in a program text file. 如果放在头文件中,会引发什么问题呢?
The application path must point to a valid program or shortcut file. 应用程序路径必须指定有效的程序或快捷方式文件。
Try sharing the program file itself, or if that doesn't work, share your desktop. 尝试共享程序文件本身,如果不起作用,则共享您的桌面。
Research and application of the program file based on I-DEAS in the parameterized design I-DEAS程序文件在参数化设计中的研究应用
Using an emulator for a program file of digital controlling laser cut can improve speed of checking, correcting and editing of the file. 使用仿真软件对激光切割数控程序进行仿真可以有效地提高文件的错误检查、修改和编辑速度。
Several important parts in software system, such as client program, background scheduling program, fax sending and receiving program, file format transform and coding decoding program, are described in detail. 对系统的几个主要部分,如客户程序、后台调度程序、传真发送、传真接收程序、文件格式转换和编译码程序进行了比较详细的描述。
STEP-NC makes information bidirectional between CNC and other CAX systems, the richer information in the program file raise the level of intelligent functions of CNC. STEP-NC使CNC与其它CAX系统之间实现了信息的双向流通,丰富了数控程序的信息含量,提高了CNC的智能化水平。
Design for the Program of File Encryption Based on OTP 基于OTP的文件加密程序设计
Research and development of the program file based on I-DEAS 基于I-DEAS的程序文件研究与开发
The Inp program file has the following functions: ① The BHA model can be translated into the CAE interface of ABAQUS; 该程序文件主要具有以下功能:①能够直接调入到ABAQUS的CAE界面中进行操作;
A Distributed CORBA Application for Downloading a Text File or an Executable Program File 一个能下载任何文件的CORBA分布式应用
By some icons and SQL commands in Authorware program file. It also introduces in great detail system functions; data browse, data input, data eliminate. 通过Authorware程序文件中的一些图标和SQL命令,较详细地介绍了系统功能:浏览数据、输入数据、删除数据。
The measure and control unit adopted embedded real-time operating system, it made systematic response time reliably, and it simplified the difficulty of designing program and file management, and improved the programming efficiency greatly. 前台测控装置采用嵌入式实时操作系统,从而使系统的响应时间有了可靠保证,并简化了程序设计及文档管理的难度,大大提高了编程效率。
On this basis, the USB device driver development has been completed. The realization of porting the system including boot, Linux kernel, driver program and file system is done. 在此基础上,完成USB设备驱动程序的开发,实现了包括引导程序、Linux内核、驱动程序和文件系统在内的系统移植。
The communication problem between the application layer program and file filter driver is proposed and implemented. 提出并实现了应用层程序与文件过滤驱动的通信问题。
Software can detect the watermark that is embedded in its own program file. 软件程序可以检测自身程序文件中被嵌入的水印。
FMDS mainly includes three parts: User Intention extracting module, visit intercept module and authorization judge module, one for each user access to and procedures, intercept program will file access request and API call request, and determine whether the allowed the related request. FMDS主要由用户意愿提取模块、访问拦截模块和授权判定模块三个部分组成,分别负责获取用户意愿、拦截程序的文件访问请求和API函数调用请求、以及判定是否允许程序的相关请求。
When we install the system, we just need to download a main program file to local computer, and then run directly. Do not need to change the registry and share other system components. 我们在安装这一系统时,只需要把一个主程序文件下载到本地电脑,再直接运行,不需要变化注册表和共享的其他系统组件。